Friday, August 8, 2008

The Saga Continues

My Athens sightseeing adventure included a visit to the Byzantine & Christian Museum which contains many beautiful ancient icons and architectual displays. Here's a trivia question for you: What happened to all the Greek pagan temples during the early reign of the Byzantine Empire? All, including the Pantheon were converted to places of Orthodox Christian worship. Here's another trivia question: Name the only major metropolis in the world that doesn't allow skyscrapers? You guessed right, Athens! No building can be higher than 23 meters from the ground. I guess they really want to preserve their ancient culture.

Here I am standing beside one of the butcher booths at the Athens Central Market. This butcher has a sense of humor; notice the faux rubber "Free Range Organic" chickens hanging above the meat case. I had the smoothie stand next door to the butcher stand put one of these in my banana smoothie. 

After an absolutely exhausting day of Athens sightseeing with most of my worldly possessions in my backpack, I managed to execute what I would describe as "a semi-cave man crawling walk", from the airport subway exit back to the "Jet Lag Recovery Center", which I guess isn't the official "Jet Lag Recovery Center", because a police swat team had to flush me from my temporary residence. They didn't tell me where the official "Jet Lag Recovery Center" was, but they did tell me to sleep anywhere else but where I was sleeping. I guess some airport patrons complained about a vagrant sleeping in the doorway of the chapel entrance. Here is another boring picture of me posting to my blog at the local McCafe. Notice the tasteful Americana decor in the background. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hi! I'm really enjoying reading your blogs! I'm glad you had a chicken smoothie, I read that they are really good for you, especially on days you have to do a lot of walking. :)

I know mom already told you, but here it is from me:

You're gonna have a granddaughter! Her name is Avalon Rose. We were so thrilled and really suprised to hear it's a girl, we were totally expecting them to say boy...Which would have been wonderful, but not as shocking. WOOHOO! I'm gonna have a baby girl. We all cried.

Sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm sad that you lost your camera, did you get a new one?

Don't talk to strangers.


Your little girl