"So all generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations." Matthew 1:17
In his homily on this verse, St. Chrysostom succinctly states, "He has divided all the generations into three portions, to indicate that not even when their form of government was changed did they become better, but alike under an aristocracy, and under a king, and under an oligarchy, they were in the same evil ways, and whether popular leaders, or priests, or kings controlled them, it was no advantage to them in the way of virtue"
St. Chrysostom goes on to say that Matthew was showing us this genealogy, "in order that from everything His coming may be shown to be necessary."
Considering these words makes one wonder, "Will a democracy fare any better?" When Christ does finally return, it will be with but one breath of His mouth that all the kingdoms of the world will perish and that one kingdom that shall last forever will once and for all time be established. O Lord Jesus, come quickly!