The desire of my life has been to please God and is it not our Creator Himself who put this desire within the heart of every man to seek after Him, the One who loved us more than even His very own life that we might know what true love is? How is it that we would not seek this only Friend of man, the Great Lover of man, the One who has given us of all that He is purely because He loves us? Is it too great a thought to embrace that we lowly souls were created by God for His good pleasure that we might know Him as our friend?
As we contemplate His handiwork in the creation, we can observe what the character of God is like in each and every object, animate and inanimate. All that is on this planet has been given to us for our enjoyment that we might enjoy its benefits whether they be rocks or water, plants or animals, every living thing and each material thing was given to us to enjoy because we are His beloved children.
Water makes up seventy per cent of the earth and water also makes up seventy per cent of our bodies. Just as the earth contains the waters so our bodies contain the waters and just as the waters contribute greatly to the beauty and health of the earth, so waters contained within the human frame contribute greatly to the beauty and health of each individual. Just as the waters of the earth can carry the imprint of man's behavior so can the waters contained within a man carry the imprint of his behavior. As a man behaves, so is he and the signature of his influence can be seen in all he touches just as the signature of our Creator can be seen in all He touches. God is love and within His being is contained nothing but love. God has no part in the hatred embraced by man and where ever we see violence, war, pollution and injustice we are observing the workings of man and not God. The Creator of heaven and earth and all that dwells on the earth above the earth and below the earth can be described by one all encompassing word which is love. We are surrounded by God's love which is manifest in the rocks, the trees, the waters and all of life both seen and unseen both awesome and insignificant; all of the material world is a revelation of His love for mankind.
The Great Creator of heaven and earth is also a humble God who has chosen to remain invisible to us and His invisibility is manifest in the manner by which He holds all things together by a force unseen. We can observe the material world and the material universe but we cannot observe the force that keeps every particle of every object animate and inanimate bound together in forms so diverse that we will never comprehend them all. We are told in the inspired scriptures that it is the second person of Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ Himself who holds all things together and He does so by the power of the third person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. What is most interesting is that God the Father has never revealed Himself to mankind directly but in keeping with His humility He has manifest Himself to us through His only begotten Son and even in this manifestation He came portraying Himself as a Servant of mankind, the most lowly of men, of such a humble stature that He had no place to even lay his head and no place to call His own. He was so lowly and so subservient that He divested Himself of all power taking the form of an infant. In the history of mankind they has never been nor will there ever be an act of humility so extreme as this effort made by God to reach His children.
In considering all this, what is just as mind boggling in a negative way is the manner in which mankind has rejected God's love. How could it be that mankind could embrace the good gifts of God yet not give thanks or acknowledgement to the Giver of all good gifts? How could it be that so many billions not millions but billions of people do not fall down daily and worship the One who gives life and blessings to all both rich and poor, righteous and wicked, of lowly position and high position? God is no respecter of persons and His love is free for all mankind yet man goes about his daily business oblivious this reality and consequently mankind is living delusional, distracted and distorted lifestyles and the only way that men may ever come out of this lifestyle is the through the challenge that God places before them and that will not happen except through those that God has already delivered. So isn't it time for us to do as God did, to be ready and willing each and every day to look for ever so small ways in which to serve others? Even offering a thirsty soul a drink of water will be remembered at the Great Judgement Day and as you have done to the least of mankind, so you have done even to Christ Himself. Unless we sow seeds we will not see a harvest and unless we water the seed it will never grow and who knows but God what may happen with the small and feeble efforts we make each day to sow seeds or to water the seeds that have been sown along our path of daily life. Do not neglect to do good at every opportunity for in every instance that you perform a deed of kindness for someone else you will in essence be performing a deed of kindness to our Creator Himself in the person of Jesus Christ His Son.