Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lord, Have Mercy On Our Fallen Brothers

In the end, even many of the elect will be deceived and Christ Himself reveals to us the state of the Church upon His return in His statement, "Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He returns?" The Orthodox Church around the world is becoming increasingly compromised. Ecumenicalism is growing and the heresy of the West is continually encroaching into the Orthodox Church. The gates of hell will not prevail but it is sure appearing to get close.

We American and Western Orthodox believers must ask ourselves, "How are we dealing with the modern world in which we live?" It is a world of confusion, delusion and allusion of truth. The Bible teaches us that heresy is of the devil and if this is so, then the Protestants and Romans are following the devil. How else can we explain their condition? Saint Paul's admonition to us is to have nothing to do with heretics, yet is this taught in the Orthodox Church today? It seems to me that we have forgotten how great the chasm is between those who have fallen away and those who have stayed faithful to the ancient Church. How can we call those who are not of the Church but claiming to be the Church anything else but heretics? How are these modern schismatics any different than the ancient schismatics? I have confronted many Protestants and Romans regarding this issue and up to now, every one of them consider themselves fully in the Church and look at me with blank stares or else consider Orthodox believers to be narrow minded or worse yet, idolators. What excuses can we make for not calling them heretics? Many times, I have heard this statement from Orthodox brothers, "We must love them and not do anything to inflame the situation." This statement is true, in that, yes, we must love these fallen brothers but what does it mean to love our fallen brother who is following the devil? According to Paul, it means we are not to eat with such a one and according to the Church fathers, we are not to pray with such a one and we are to confront them and remind them of their fallen condition. We are also taught to confront them two or three times and no more, lest we be infected by their disease of heresy. It seems to me that the Orthodox Church of our day has contracted this serious disease and as a result we are losing touch with our traditions, the decrees of the Church councils and even the Holy Scriptures. 

Although the Orthodox Church of our day is in a grievous condition, at least we can be comforted knowing that the prophecy of Christ is being fulfilled in our day and that the day of Lord is near. Although it will be a terrible and awesome day with much tribulation, the faithful can be encouraged knowing that the Lord is near and those who endure to the end shall receive a great reward. Come quickly, oh Lord Jesus!

1 comment:

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

wonderful thank you for posting such a loving and honest expression of the true church position.