Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Status Of The Non-Orthodox

Exerpt from, "The Non-Orthodox" by Patrick Barnes
The Spirit of God blows where it chooses and, as Irenaeus said, where the Spirit is, there is the Church. We know where the Church is but we cannot be sure where it is not. This means, as Khomiakov insists, that we must refrain from passing judgment on non-
Orthodox Christians: 
"Inasmuch as the earthly and visible [Eastern Orthodox] Church is not the fullness and completeness of the whole Church which the Lord appointed to appear at the final judgment of all creation, she acts and knows only within her own limits. . . . She does not judge the rest of humankind, and only looks upon those as excluded, that is to say, not belonging to her, who exclude themselves. The rest of humankind, whether alien from the Church, or united to her by ties which God has not willed to reveal to her, she leaves to the judgment of the great day." Russian lay-theologian and dialectician Alexei Khomiakov

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