Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Potential Problem Of Epic Proportions

Our modern world is being threatened by an invisible enemy which will conquer using the art of deception.  As bizarre as it seems, this enemy is promoted as our friend, healer and helper yet the havoc being caused by this enemy may be beyond our comprehension.  The name of this enemy reveals its true nature and when broken down the name reveals the words, 'against life'.   So, what is the name this enemy goes by?  'Antibiotics' is the name and it takes many forms, all of which are contributing to a world wide proliferation of destructive super bugs that have been created by the very drugs that were created to destroy the diseases they targeted.

How Bad Is It?

More than 50 million pounds of these antibiotics are produced annually in the United States.  Some 40 percent of that total is given to animals, mostly to promote growth rather than treat disease. Antibiotic use is also rampant in agriculture--for example, the drugs are sprayed onto fruit trees to control bacterial infections. Another little-recognized application is in antibacterial household cleaning products, soaps, toothpaste, and even plastic toys and cutting boards, which incorporate bacteria-killing substances too potent to be used in the body. The upshot of this massive exposure is the increasingly familiar predicament the world now faces: disease-causing super bugs that resist the drugs that once thwarted them. We are experiencing an alarming resurgence of common but no longer curable infections from super bugs that developed their resistance in our antibiotic-filled bodies, in animals, in fields, even on our antibacterial-soaked kitchen counters. 

Sterilized Creation

Another sobering consideration is the fact that one billion tons of antibiotic laced animal waste is being generated yearly with these antibiotics going into the environment thus creating even more resistant stains of bacteria.  Add to this number, human ingested antibiotics which continue to do their destructive work even after they leave our bodies passing into our water supplies as well as back into the soil.  Additionally, millions of farm acres world wide have been sterilized and are continuing to be sterilized by industrial farming practices using synthetic fertilizers.  The consequences are such that beneficial flora within the human and earthly terrain are no longer flourishing, opening yet one more facet through which disease and destruction will prey upon the human race and our environment. 

Wrong Belief System

So, how is it that life on this planet has come to such predicament as this?  When considering the big picture, we can blame our situation on the philosophical foundation of modernity.  Modernity grew out of the age of enlightenment which was nurtured in the soils of Western civilization.  But if this so, what was wrong with Western civilization that could cultivate such disastrous consequences?  I believe the answer lies within the world of religious belief.  Religion takes various forms around the world and within each culture both ancient and modern, we find religious beliefs permeating every aspect of culture and governing every facet of how a community, tribe or nation functions.  I believe that the Eastern world and thus Eastern philosophy and religion (specifically Eastern Orthodoxy) which were the preserved by Eastern peoples, were in turn, corrupted by Western peoples, thus opening the way for the destructive aspects of modernity which we are experiencing today.  

Conflictive Views

Rather than digging deeper on this thought, I would like to leave it and jump ahead to the conflict we moderns are experiencing between what I will define as synthetic materialism and natural materialism.  Having supposedly evolved to a higher form of thought, we moderns have embraced 'man' himself, as being the creator, savior and ruler of the creation.  Religion for the most part has been relegated to the realms of the spiritual, immaterial world having no influence on the material aspects of life, thus creating a huge "God void" which as a vacuum had to be filled by something and that something was man's intellect and ability to achieve.  Thus, what we are observing in the world around us today is an all encompassing phenomena of creating a synthetic material world which is consequently supplanting the natural material world.  

Synthetic World

So what's wrong with a synthetic material world?  For starters, it is a denial of faith in a Creator and His ability to create that which is good, beneficial and enlightening for mankind.  Consequently, because we are no longer relying upon a Creator, Provider and Helper; as a civilization, we find the need to create our own provisions and means by which to benefit our selves and our fellow man.  So, instead of acknowledging our Creator, Father and God, we now ignore Him and continue on the path of creating our own world which mimics the natural world order but does not give life, sustenance and good health.  

Delusional Thinking

Thus, we are experiencing the proliferation of so-called medicines which we accurately call 'antibiotics'.  The term 'antibiotic' itself reveals the utter ignorance of mankind and our inability to extract ourselves from the consequences of calling good, evil and evil, good.  Apparently this principle is so deeply ingrained into the darkened and deluded human psyche that even though we take them to promote life, we name them according to their true definition and purpose which is 'against life'.  Nevertheless, we continue to flood the human and earthly terrain with these products in a state of delusional thinking and schizophrenic behavior.

Abiding Hope

Yet, in saying all of this, it is not too late to turn back to natural materialism as the means by which to obtain our life, our health and our sustenance.  The earth is forgiving, revealing the nature of God and though the hour is late, it is not too late to turn back to the ways of the ancients, to the ways of East and to once again embrace nature, the good earth and all that grows upon it naturally as being for our benefit as God had ordained in the beginning.  


Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

quite thoughtful. i'm not sure if i accept every precept you put forward but the argument is compelling.

Euphrosyn said...

Angela, Christ Has Risen! Could you elaborate more on your comment regarding what you are having trouble accepting?

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

Indeed He is risen. i think that although monetary gain does drive many people in the pharmacutical industry, most have decided quite consciously to make their living helping and healing. i agree that there are over usages and abuses but i'd rather have them when i need them. please visit my blog elgreca262.blogspot.com

Euphrosyn said...

Another factor that enters into the mix is pride and the corruption of man's God given drive to create. I would say that so long as what we create fits within the natural cycles of life without bringing harm or pollution than it is pleasing to God. Anything created that harms life or nature does not fit with the character of God's love. It is possible to have progress and technological advances without harming the environment but modern man is bent on a corrupt form of progress. I don't question the intent of many to help and heal but more often than not, the masses are led into corruption by the few whose goals are not compatible with responsible dominion of the earth.

As for synthetic medicines, foods, fertilizers, fabrics and all the rest... why? All of them are inferior to what God has provided and all that I know of have brought harm to mankind and the earth.

Angela Damianakis, LCSW said...

true. thank you for your posts. check in frequently.