Sunday, March 1, 2009


The song birds are silent
The whales lie beached on the sands
The wooly beasts have left the plains

The waters no longer dance with light
The trees are infested and fallen
The treasures of the terrain have left their dwelling place
Desolate and barren, the earth falters

The heavens no longer reveal wonders
Breath bears death and confusion
Clouds have lost their glory
The spirit of earth has become defliled

Nature wallows and sways in her infirmities
Men of strength have overcome her
The flowers are crushed
All that was living has been trampled

Stars fall from the heavens
The moon no longer shines
The sun burns hot
Yet darkness overtakes us
What was, shall be no more

Shall the earth ever breath again?
Will darkness and death be the victor?
Who has directed darkness and death?
Who has been it's general?

Beauty has been plundered and raped?
How did this happen to my beloved?
Is revenge forthcoming?
Or will beauty be left to the worms?

How I long for the beginning and the past
Why has the flower faded?
Why does the grain bring death?
How is it that waters once so pristine and lively
have become bitter with poison?

Is this the work of the laborer?
And who is this laborer and where is his taskmaster?
And where is the king of this land?
Have we been cast off and abandoned?
Are we of no value and given up as dung?

I cry out into the darkness
Who hears me?
My voice is lost in the vastness of the unknown
My heart yearns for what has been lost

I have given myself over to the destroyer and in faithfulness
I have been destroyed.
My blood is split and my life is done

Yet, he who was in the beginning shall come again
In glorious light, he will shine upon the earth
The waters will be made clean
The animals will be brought back
The trees will be for the healing of mankind
And that which was dead shall live again.
And darkness shall forever be swallowed up
never to be known again.